Thursday, May 11, 2006

New Summer stuff.....

Well, I've just finished my first batch of summer 2006 designs, and I couldn't be happier so far. Right now I'm really obsessed with lampwork so all of it so far is made out guessed it. I know I'm sneaky. Anyways, I'm posting a picture of my favorite one so far.....back to work.......

Friday, May 05, 2006

Shop to it, here I come!

Summer love bracelet
Well I now have about nine products up on I'm working on getting more up, a little at a time. I also have a small show coming up on the 13th, so I'm looking forward to that. It's only 4 hours, so I'll have to make the most of it! I've got some fun ideas for my summer collection, I cant wait until my new orders of materials get here......