Monday, October 02, 2006

Autumn 2006 jewelry

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've posted here, sorry about that, I've had a ton of things on the go!
I've had time however to create some new items for fall and these are a few examples of that.

The first item is made with boro beads and tons of Balinese silver, which was inspired by the transition from Summer to Autumn, with blues and rusts that compliment eachother very nicely.

The second item directly above is made with large bronzite ovals, freshwater pearls and a mix of Bali silver and Hilltribe silver in honour of the golden shades everywhere right now.

This last item is called "Autumn in Calgary", which is exactly the inspiration behind it. I have beautiful surroundings here and am very blessed to live in a city as beautiful and rich in nature as Calgary is. This is the first piece I've dedicated to Calgary and I'm so happy with it, that I'm sure it wont be the last.